«Die Weltmeere», Woodcuts, 2013

«Die Weltmeere (Pazifischer Ozean)», Woodcut, oil on polyester fleece, 2013, 145 x 93 cm

«Die Weltmeere (Indischer Ozean)», Woodcut, oil on polyester fleece, 2013, 145 x 93 cm

«Die Weltmeere (Atlantischer Ozean)», Woodcut, oil on polyester fleece, 2013, 145 x 93 cm

«Mandalas», Woodcuts, book printing ink on paper, 2012, 49 x 42 cm

«Mandalas», Woodcuts, book printing ink on paper, 2012, 49 x 42 cm

«The Martyrdom Cycle (30 possibilities to kill a man after Circignani)», woodblock print on japanese paper, installation ø 3 m, 2015

«The Martyrdom Cycle (30 possibilities to kill a man after Circignani)», woodblock print on japanese paper, 2015, 41 x 33 cm

«The Martyrdom Cycle (30 possibilities to kill a man after Circignani)», woodblock print on japanese paper, 2015, 41 x 33 cm

«The Martyrdom Cycle (30 possibilities to kill a man after Circignani)», woodblock print on japanese paper, 2015, 41 x 33 cm

«The Martyrdom Cycle (30 possibilities to kill a man after Circignani)», woodblock print on japanese paper, 2015, 41 x 33 cm

«Les cadres de mes peintures favorites du Louvre», Holzschnitt

«Les cadres de mes peintures favorites du Louvre», Holzschnitt

«All bridges from Castletownbere to Dublin», Holzschnitt

«All bridges from Castletownbere to Dublin», Holzschnitt

«All bridges from Castletownbere to Dublin», Holzschnitt

«All bridges from Castletownbere to Dublin», Holzschnitt